Herzlich Willkommen zur nächsten Challenge am House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge Blog!
Das neue Thema heisst "Relax / Enjoying life" also entspannen und das Leben genießen.
Für dieses Thema bin diesesmal ich verantwortlich. Und ich dachte mir, dass ihr vielleicht auch zusätzlich was gewinnen wollt. Also gibt es von mir ein Goodie welches aus einer neuen Stempelplatte und einigen Bändern besteht. Bild ist dann weiter unten. Gewinnen könnt ihr wenn ihr ein Projekt am Challenge Blog einstellt.
Ich habe eine Faltkarte dazu gemacht mit der Maus die am relaxen ist.
Wollt ihr mehr Inspirationen sehen dann schaut doch am Blog vorbei. Dort haben die Teamies auch tolle Sachen gemacht.
Also mitmachen und vielleicht gewinnen.
Hi all!
The new challenge starts today at the House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge Blog
I´m the host of this chall and my theme for you is : Relax / Enjoing life.
Cause I´m the host I will give a goodie away. It´s a new stampplate and a few ribbons. The only thing to win - play with us and show it onto the blog.
This time again I´ve done a card with a super cute Mouse relaxing in a hammok.
Need more inspiration - come over to the blog and see what the teamies done.
Here is the Goodie
Danke fürs Gucken / thx for stopping by
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Di's BIO: {I have been drawing since a child and studied graphics at College many years ago, I now work as a Medical photographer part time but my love was always drawing. I started cardmaking about 4yrs ago when I bought my daughter a cardmaking kit which we did together, but I’m afraid I got the bug! My daughter preferred scrapbooking. I then started looking online at other blogs and this then became my passion and I loved sharing my cards with like-minded people. I love stamping and loved finding images, but sometimes I could not find what I wanted so I started to draw myself. This then has become my second addiction and I have never looked back, I love thinking of new images, and its just fabulous to see others take them and make them into beautiful works of art. Long may it continue! }