Bei der neuen Challenge am HMFMC ist das aktuelle Thema "Essen".
Also bei grosser Hitze ist ein kühler und saurer Dring sicherlich erfrischend!
Natürlich kann man Zitronen essen - seht ihr doch an den "begeisterten" Gesichtern der Mauserln!! *lach*
Und was haltet ihr von meinem Zitronenwindrad? ;-)
Hi all!
The new theme at the HMFMC blog is "food".
Of course you can eat lemons - you can see it on the "suprised" faces of the mice!! *gg*
And what do you think about my lemon pin wheel? ;-)
Danke fürs Gucken / thx for stopping by

10 Kommentare:
Hey Tom...dandy creation...that lemon pinwheel is so fun and the shells a great touch too!
Thanks for sharing with us at House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge! ♥ Sue Kment
cute Tom and love the little windmills great idea, thank you so much for joining us at the House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge
Hugs Kate xx
Gorgeous card Tom :-) such a cute image, I love the expressions on their little faces ,,, must taste sour ,, haha :-) The pin wheels are FAB ! LOVE those :-)
thanks for joining us on the House Mouse Challenge
Lols x x x
Tolle Karte Tom und deine sauren Windräder finde ich echt super!!!!! ;)
Liebe Grüße von Nö nach Wien
Wonderfully fun Tom. Love your coloring - you brought these sweet creatures to life! Fun details with the pinwheels. Fun, fun, fun. Thanks so much for joining us in the House Mouse & Friends challenge! Nancy (GDT)
Hallo Tom,
die Mäuschen sind ja hammersüß!!! Was für putzige Schnütchen...
Das Windrad im Zitronenlook finde ich abslut genial!!!
LG aus dem -endlich- sommerlichen Ostfriesland
Hi Tom, what a cute card!! Love your pinwheels made from lemnons, you creative devil you! Great colors and coloring too. Thanks for joining us at the House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge. Always love to see what you come up with....wonderful.
Hi Tom, such a delightful card, I love the expressions on the little faves, great design and colours - your pinwheel is stunning!!
Heather xx
Thanks for joining us with House Mouse & Friends challenge
How creative your lemon pin weels are, Tom, perfect for this sweet (?) HM image.
Thank you so much for joining the 'Food' challenge at the House Mouse & Friends Monday Challenge.
Hugs Dorte
Hi Tom awesome cute mousey card..I feel my lips puckering at the thought of these 2 sucking lemons/ great design
& colouring cleaver take on the Food. chall theme
thanks for sharing with us at HM & friends chall this time.
smiles Christine x
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